Heartwood Garden Design

The Chilterns Raised Patio

This raised patio replaced an existing narrow and dangerous patio and decked area. A dramatic flight of curved steps creates a sight line to a beautiful natural swimming pool. Terraced planting beds and almost invisible wire balustrade create feeling of airy spaciousness to the patio and surround it with colourful and exuberant planting. A lower secluded ‘patio snug’ provides a peaceful area for quiet relaxation with oak arches over a sawn sandstone patio with stepping stones.

"This was stage two of our garden renovation. Before we had a narrow, unsafe patio with no-where to sit and no views of the garden. Now the garden is spread out before us, we have beautiful steps that lead down into the garden at two points and plenty of space for a huge dining table and outdoor sofas. A lower level we have stunning vibrant planting which is tall enough to enjoy from the patio and seems to flower all summer!'"